2016 & 2017 Angie’s List Award Winner

2016 & 2017 Angie’s List Award Winner iNFLUX PC, LLC Earns Esteemed Angie’s List Super Service Award, 2 years running. The Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service iNFLUX PC, LLC has earned the home service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of customer service to members of […]

Best Computer Repair

Expertise Award - Best Computer Repair Service in Phoenix, AZ 2016

Best computer repair service! We are so honored and proud to find out that Expertise.com awareded us the “best computer repair service” in Phoenix Arizona for 2016! Check us out on their award page located here: www.expertise.com/az/phoenix/computer-repair Who was the competition? Expertise looked at a total of 268 Computer Repair Services located in and around Phoenix; including […]

Google Chrome expires on old operating systems April 2016

Chrome Nag

Please be aware that Google plans to end support for the Google Chrome web browser, running on older operating systems in April 2016. Be aware that Google will no longer update the application and will not release security patches after April. If you are running Google Chrome on an older operating system, you may begin […]

Microsoft working to unify further its Windows and Windows Phone platforms

Original Article found here: http://www.zdnet.com/microsoft-working-to-unify-further-its-windows-and-windows-phone-platforms-7000011070/ Summary: A new Microsoft job posting indicates Microsoft is planning to enable Windows apps to run without modification on Windows Phone and vice versa. By Mary Jo Foley for All About Microsoft | February 8, 2013 — 21:06 GMT (13:06 PST) It’s not too surprising, but it’s good to know: Microsoft is actively moving toward […]

Schmidt to Sell Google Stake Worth $2.5 Billion

Please find original Article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324590904578292541060345994.html By SCOTT THURM Google Inc. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt plans to sell stock valued at $2.5 billion over the next year as part of a trading plan that will cut his stake in the Internet firm by more than 40%. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company said in a regulatory filing on Friday that Mr. Schmidt […]