In our Search Engine Optimization efforts we have purchased 2 new domain names that will point to iNFLUXPC’s current website. These domain names are strategically named in order to get our web presence even higher within search engines. is a great name for our business website; however, no one is searching “influx pc”. Here is what we have found.

The phrase “pc repair” was searched in Arizona 201,000 times in the month of September alone. Globally the phrase was searched 165,000 times in September. This is much higher than the phrase “influx pc” which doesn’t have enough data to even register on the analytic charts. So we’ve decided that over 4 million searches a year for “pc repair” would be better for business. We have purchased and linked up for this reason.

The phrase “computer repair” was searched in Arizona 1,220,000 times in the month of September alone. Globally the phrase was searched 1,000,000 times in September. Again, this is much higher than the phrase “influx pc”. So we’ve decided that over 26 million searches a year for “computer repair” would be better for business too. We have purchased and linked up as well. We are still doing business under iNFLUXPC, LLC. This just give a more descriptive domain name for our site and may help explain right off the bat what our business does.

We hope this helps build our page ranks and web presence in the next couple of months. We have been analyzing all of our current web traffic and modifying our efforts in order to get seen more.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

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